Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let's try this again, shall we?

Every six months or so, I start a blog, dump a whole bunch of depressing shit into it, forget I have it, find it, rage at how dumb I am, and delete it.
I am going to do my best to refrain from repeating that cycle and write for real.
I can't promise it will be anything interesting to anyone but me, but at least it won't all be about that guy who dumped me like four years ago. NO one needs that.

Where I am right now is a pretty much the same place I have been since I was a teenager. One dead end job after another, no constant living space, and a slew of failed relationships with what turns out to be essentially the same guy every time. 
(Note to self: Stop dating guys in bands who can't remember the last time they read a book, their beard isn't that cool and they WILL cheat on you.)

I just got let go from a seasonal position at Kohl's which was a blessing and a curse. I hated it there more than anything, but having an income (small as it was...) was better than not. SO I start the seemingly never ending search for a job yet again. 

Despite my current situation, I am doing my best to stay positive. It's a strength I can usually turn on and off depending how stubborn I am feeling about it. But shit, it could be a lot worse. 
I feel really shallow and #firstworldpains-ish when I complain about things like this. People are straight starving to death, watching their homes get blown up, dying of disease... and I am sitting in a warm apartment, overweight, eating an oatmeal cookie, and BLOGGING about my fucking inability to get a job. What about that guys inability to get clean drinking water?  Man I am a selfish cow.

My point? 
I probably shouldn't have a blog. 
Stay tuned though, who knows. It might get better. 

Ps. I have a crush on a guy who doesn't have a fucking beard. Life sure is zany.

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